Educator Profile: Debbie Jamieson

Meet Debbie Jamieson, teaching principal of Pembroke Elementary School

Debbie graciously gave me some of her time so I could pick her brain about why she thinks Pembroke Elementary School is experiencing the success shown by their most recent proficiency rates. Below is a summary of our conversation. Thank you, Debbie, for sharing your time, experiences, and insights!

Q: Why do you think you have such strong proficiency rates?

A: We have an excellent staff and have been doing proficiency-based reporting for over ten years.
When that effort began, we read and got support from Anne Davies. We put a lot of work into
proficiency-based reporting and giving students useful feedback. Since then, we’ve spent time
reviewing our data and using pre and post assessments to make informed instructional adjustments.
We’ve also worked to create an optimal testing atmosphere and ensure students are invested in the

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Harvest of Ideas 2018 Press Release

On Tuesday, October 9, over 600 Washington County educators gathered at the University of Maine at Machias for a full day of professional development featuring over twenty unique presentations.

The day, called Harvest of Ideas, has long been an annual tradition put on by Washington County Consortium, an organization dedicated to providing support and opportunities to Washington County educators. This year’s event was the largest by far, and featured expert presenters from up and down the east coast, from Maryland to Machias.

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