Educator Profile: Mathy Terrill

Meet Mathy Terrill, Social Studies Teacher, A.P History Teacher, History Department Head, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Teaching Fellow, National Honor Society Advisor, Gay Straight Transgendered Alliance Advisor, Student Assistant Team Co-Advisor, Homecoming Coordinator, Varsity Cross Country Coach, Varsity Track and Field Assistant Coach, and Overall Ridiculously Busy and Dedicated Educator at Washington Academy.

Mathy and I met at her home in Machias over the weekend so I could interview her for this profile. I usually come to such interviews with questions prepared, but this time I was stumped. Mathy does EVERYTHING. How could I structure the interview to highlight her deep commitment to education in Washington County without leaving anything out? Truth is, I couldn’t. So I asked her what she is most proud of. She told me two things: her work as a United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Teaching Fellow, and the Prom Dress Boutique she puts on as advisor for the National Honor Society at Washington Academy.

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Educator Profile: Emily Fitzsimmons

Meet Emily Fitzsimmons, Culinary Arts Instructor at Coastal Washington County Institute of Technology.

Emily and I had the opportunity over February break to sit down at Helen’s Restaurant in Machias to talk about her work, life, and all things in between. Thank you, Emily, for sharing a meal with me, and for all you do for Washington County students and communities. (Emily is on the left, with a group of her students at a Culinary Arts competition in Portland on February 16.)

Everyone should know Emily Fitzsimmons. Most of you probably already do. I realized this when we met for lunch at Helen’s and she personally greeted almost everyone we came across. And the restaurant was full.

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Educator Profile: Bertha Caler

Meet Bertha Caler, Retired Teacher, Volunteer Extraordinaire, and Downeast Gem.

Bertha graciously welcomed me into her home in Cherryfield so I could learn about her work at D.W. Merritt School in Addison. Thank you, Bertha, for your time, and for all you do to enrich children’s lives.

In the January Washington County Consortium Newsletter, I encouraged Washington County educators to reach out if they knew someone who should be profiled for future newsletters. I soon received an email from Suzanne Plaisted, a teacher at D.W. Merritt School, who recommended I reach out to Bertha Caler. Bertha, she shared, “ is a retired teacher who has not only been subbing for years but established a free library at D.W. Merritt School in Addison.” Bertha seemed like a great person to profile. She is doing replicable work that truly enhances the lives of many students.

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